A values-based approach is both science + art.

Heart+Mind Strategies’ Center for Applied Values Research honors the work of Dr. Richard B. Wirthlin–a pioneer in applied values-based research and the first researcher to be recognized as Ad Man of the Year. Our specialty is revealing the latent, non-conscious motivations and behaviors of consumers using behavioral science and a mix of psychological methods we have developed over the years for commercial research purposes.

The key to using behavioral science in uncovering the role of values is illuminating the entire choice making process. To do this we rely on Means-End Theory frameworks, including values laddering, to understand how and why choices are made.

MEANS-END THEORY: The more tightly a product is linked to values across all levels, the more likely it is to be preferred…thereby achieving personal relevance.


Uncovering Core Values.

To understand choice making and personal relevance we look at the need states that link the most important attributes of a choice to rational + emotional benefits that motivate decisions.

We often uncover core values and key emotional benefits through this approach.  These are extremely important in developing strategy as they tend to be the hinge between the more rational components of the consideration and the driving motivation of choices.  

Values are the criteria people use in assessing their daily lives, arranging their priorities, and choosing between alternative courses of action.
