Case Study

Public Policy Organization


Shaping the public conversation on key energy issues.


One of the hot button issues of the 2024 election cycle was energy policy and how it might change depending on the outcome of the presidential election. A public policy organization needed to understand the current state of opinion on fuels, technology, and public policy among US registered voters. They wanted to design a strong insights-based messaging strategy to inform voters ahead of the election.


Heart+Mind designed a comprehensive study that served multiple objectives. Firstly, it aimed to compare current findings with previous benchmarks, providing valuable insights into trends and shifts in public opinion over time. Additionally, the study was structured to gauge public reaction and measure support for newly developed positioning concepts and messaging strategies, allowing the organization to evaluate the potential effectiveness of its evolving communication approach.


Results from the research were instrumental in shaping the organization’s strategic approach to public engagement. By identifying key issues and priorities, the organization was able to refine its positioning and craft more effective messaging tailored to resonate with its target audience. This data-driven approach not only enhanced the organization’s ability to communicate its stance on crucial policy matters but also empowered it to more effectively influence and guide public discourse on energy and fuel technology policy.