Las Vegas COVID

Case Study Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority CONSUMER INSIGHTSTravel + Tourism Ensuring an agile response from Las Vegas in a post-COVID-19 travel landscape. THE CHALLENGE As a tourist destination, Las Vegas was poised for record-setting visitation in 2020...

Las Vegas Segmentation

Case Study Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority BRAND STRATEGYTravel + Tourism Ensuring Las Vegas’ relevancy and maximizing opportunities in a changing landscape. THE CHALLENGE The “What happens here, stays here” (WHHSH) campaign was generating high...

Global Technology Brand

Case Study Global Technology Brand CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEEntertainment + Gaming Crafting a differentiated and standout gaming customer service experience. THE CHALLENGE The gaming industry is more competitive than ever, and gamers  have more power of choice than ever...

Global Beverage Company

Case Study Global Beverage Company CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEConsumer Goods Creating personalized experiences through key moments to build stronger brand relationships. THE CHALLENGE Meeting the demands of Millennial and Gen Z customers has brought changes to the wine and...


Case Study PG&E REPUTATION MANAGEMENT Energy Managing corporate reputation during and after a crisis. THE CHALLENGE The fallout after a major crisis left PG&E in a perpetual state of reacting.  They aspired to take a more proactive position to their reputation...