Pelican Institute

Case Study Pelican Institute ISSUES + ADVOCACYGovernment + Public Policy Developing a communications strategy for tax reform in Louisiana. THE CHALLENGE The Pelican Institute commissioned Heart+Mind Strategies to conduct research with Louisiana registered voters to...
Sutherland Institute

Sutherland Institute

Case Study Sutherland Institute ISSUES + ADVOCACYGovernment + Public Policy Reforming civics education in Utah. THE CHALLENGE Appreciation for American history and the role of citizen engagement was suffering in comparison to the heavy focus on STEM learning. In...
Bermuda Tourism Authority

Bermuda Tourism Authority

Case Study Bermuda Tourism Authority BRAND STRATEGYTravel + Tourism Differentiating an island destination from the competition. THE CHALLENGE In a travel landscape where many island destinations are vying for the attention and visitation of US, Canadian, and UK...
Bermuda Tourism Authority

Maricopa Association of Governments

Case Study Maricopa Association of Governments REGIONAL VISIONINGGovernment + Public Policy Developing a regional transportation plan guided by public values. THE CHALLENGE To help support and guide the development of their regional transportation plan in the Greater...
Bermuda Tourism Authority

City of Boston

Case Study The City of Boston BRAND STRATEGYTravel + Tourism Revitalizing tourism after a pandemic induced shutdown. THE CHALLENGE The COVID-19 pandemic created a downturn in tourism for destinations across the country, including Boston. With an eye toward improving...