
Case Study Comcast CUSTOMER EXPERIENCETechnology Identifying the brand experience needed at key moments in customer onboarding. THE CHALLENGE Comcast sought insights to better understand the customer onboarding experience, to identify opportunity areas to better serve...

CFP Board

Case Study CFP Board of Standards BRAND STRATEGYFinancial Services Repositioning a national brand from “inside-out” to “outside-in.” THE CHALLENGE CFP Board’s ratings on awareness and preference were declining and this caused concern about a...

State Agriculture Future Talent

Case Study State Agriculture Association (Midwest) CONSUMER INSIGHTSAgriculture + Sustainability Attracting young people to jobs in agriculture. THE CHALLENGE The state’s agriculture industry is challenged with labor shortages and building a future talent...

State Agriculture Messaging

Case Study State Agriculture Associations (Midwest) REPUTATION MANAGEMENTAgriculture + Sustainability Helping agriculture producers proactively tell their story to their communities. THE CHALLENGE Three states’ agriculture industries were feeling increased pressure...

Las Vegas B2B

Case Study Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority BRAND STRATEGYTravel + Tourism Bridging Las Vegas’ leisure and business brands to enhance B2B demand. THE CHALLENGE Since the start of the ‘What Happens Here, Stays Here’ (WHHSH) campaign, Las Vegas has, out...