Visit Springfield

Case Study Visit Springfield BRAND STRATEGYTravel + Tourism Mobilizing stakeholders and community members to strengthen brand positioning. THE CHALLENGE The Springfield Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) sought to redefine their brand. By refining an authentic,...

MGM National Harbor

Case Study MGM National Harbor BRAND STRATEGYEntertainment + Gaming Targeting potential customers to attract them to a new entertainment venue. THE CHALLENGE MGM was new to the DC metro market and needed to unlock the right mix of retail, dining, leisure,...

Global Cybersecurity Brand

Case Study Global Cybersecurity Brand BRAND STRATEGYTechnology Transforming a cybersecurity legacy: Market Repositioning Strategy THE CHALLENGE A long-established cybersecurity firm was facing a critical identity crisis. Despite generating over $1B in revenue and...

Guatemalan Coffees

Case Study Anacafé | Guatemalan Coffees BRAND STRATEGYConsumer Goods Developing a national Guatemala coffee brand that is globally resonant. THE CHALLENGE In the 1900s, Guatemalan Coffees rose to prominence around the world, but like many industries, the volatility of...

Indiana Commission for Higher Education

Case Study Indiana Commission for Higher Education ISSUES + ADVOCACYEducation Understanding choice-making to reverse enrollment decline in Indiana. THE CHALLENGE Increasing enrollment in training and education after high school is a key pillar of the Indiana...