Case Study

Global Technology Brand

Entertainment + Gaming

Crafting a differentiated and standout gaming customer service experience.


The gaming industry is more competitive than ever, and gamers  have more power of choice than ever before. While the emergence of streaming gaming is creating a shift in the industry, players are still learning about the benefits and nature of the technology. Given the early days of market adoption and lack of knowledge around streaming gaming, there exists a gap around consumer perceptions and needs.

A global technology brand needed to understand the perception of streaming gaming among game players, to prove that AAA streaming gaming works incredibly well, and ultimately, to understand how a new streaming product could provide a differentiated experience.

Amid increasing gaming competition, our client wanted to inspire gamers to see the possibilities that streaming has to offer.


We started by understanding category standards and what expectations exist in the gaming experience today.

We then allowed gamers to experience the streaming game service and we assessed ease of use of the service, behaviors and habits, and how players resolved issues.

Lastly, we followed up to identify players’ reactions and perceptions.

Specifically, our research + strategy team:

– Completed a competitive audit

– Conducted an Illumination Lab with gamers

– Conducted a pre/post survey with beta participants

– Collected mobile diaries with beta participants


The gaming platform ultimately helped players feel more positive about streaming, and increased people’s expectations around streaming games.

We developed an “expectations framework” that enabled UX teams to adapt the player experience and Marketing teams to develop their strategies focused on the identified advantages of streaming gaming.

The new streaming gaming service launched in Fall 2019.