Case Study
Energy Trade Association
Capturing voter sentiment on energy policy.

The elections in 2024 provided an opportunity for the American electorate to express their support for policies and candidates at the ballot box. Energy policy was central among the many issues on the minds of American voters. In the middle of this political battle for new policies, this client wanted to assess American voter sentiment on energy policy alternatives.

We conducted a live telephone survey with a large representative sample of American voters, screening for people who voted in the 2024 elections. Since state-level voting reforms have greatly expanded early voting, our approach was designed to capture both the early voters and traditional election-day voters.

The client is leveraging the survey results to inform key decision-makers in Washington, D.C., about their priorities and concerns. This data will serve as a foundation for strategic lobbying efforts, enabling them to effectively advocate for policies that align with their organizational goals. By providing evidence-based insights, the client aims to shape policy outcomes and advance their mission within the political landscape of Washington.