
Exploring education pathways and the impact of choice for students, parents, communities, administrators, employers, and policy-makers.

Heart+Mind Strategies’ experience in education crosses large terrain, from working directly with institutions, think tanks, and states, as well as with some of the world’s largest education players to those in the sphere of influence (like employers and NGOs). From K-12 to technical/professional training to higher education; from public to private to nonprofit; from in-person to online; from students and parents to administrators to employers and governing bodies – the stakeholders, situations, challenges, and priorities of education are as numerous as the quality of an education is important.

From developing school or university brand positioning to creating public policy advocacy programs to understanding the needs of the workforce of the future, Heart+Mind Strategies has the tools and experience to guide your strategy.

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Related to Education

> Foundations + NGO’s

> Government + Public Policy

Let’s kick it up a notch.