Case Study

Global Coffee Trade Association


Building a 5-year strategic plan to lead in an evolving coffee landscape.


A Global Coffee Trade Association needed to update its 5-year strategic plan amid a continually evolving specialty coffee landscape. For the plan to be successful, it needed to be rooted in a common understanding of trends shaping the future of coffee and alignment on the association’s strengths and opportunities.


Our Heart+Mind team of strategists and researchers led a series of work sessions with groups of key stakeholders to gather the needed perspectives and to build and iterate the strategic plan. 

– Virtual work session with Board leadership
– In-person workshop with the Board, leveraging Heart+Mind’s Illumination Lab platform.
– Virtual group discussions with three key industry stakeholder audiences
– Executive team review meeting


Informed by the robust series of engagements with the client and relevant stakeholders, Heart+Mind developed and delivered a 5-year strategic plan that gives clear guidance for the organization to follow.

The plan identified 4 major forces driving change in the specialty coffee landscape, a framework for leveraging 3 areas of strength, and 5 opportunity areas for action planning.