Tracey Fisher is our newest Senior Consultant, so naturally we sat her down and ran her through our rigorous Q+A process. We’re excited to have her on the team, and even more excited to take her to Las Vegas to see if her special power really works.
Q: Describe what you do in 5 words or less.
A: Help brands connect with people.
Q: What drew you to Heart+Mind Strategies?
A: Heart+Mind Strategies isn’t just a company; it’s a think tank, a creative hub, a place where brilliant minds converge. I was drawn to the idea of working alongside some of the sharpest people in the industry. The kind of people who possess a unique blend of academic knowledge and creative flair.
But it’s not just the smarts that drew me in. It’s the longevity of these relationships. These folks have been working together for what feels like forever, building a deep well of trust and understanding. That kind of camaraderie is rare, and it’s inspiring to be a part of.
And let’s not forget the heart (and mind!) of the operation: the research. The team at Heart+Mind Strategies is constantly diving deep into the latest trends and consumer insights. Their ability to analyze complex data and extract meaningful, strategic insights is truly impressive.
Q: What quality do you most admire in others?
A: Kindness – that’s the quality I admire most. Those rare gems who just seem to radiate warmth and compassion, whether they’re helping a stranger change a tire in the rain or remembering your coffee order from three months ago. Kindness like that is rarer than finding a four-leaf clover.
In a world that often feels cold and cynical, kindness shines like a beacon. Those big-hearted souls who go out of their way to make someone’s day a little brighter? They’re worth their weight in gold. It’s the kind of quality I try to embody myself, and I’m in awe of anyone who can do it so effortlessly.
Q: What are you secretly really good at?
A: Call me Lady Luck’s favorite child. I don’t just get lucky – I’ve got some sort of supernatural magnetism for good fortune that would make leprechauns jealous. Picture this: There I am at this casino in Snoqualmie, Washington, absently dropping a single penny into a slot machine (you know, as one does). Next thing I know, lights are flashing, sirens are wailing, and I’m standing there in shock as I realize I’ve just cracked the mega jackpot – a prize that had been steadily growing for months while countless others tried their luck.
But here’s the kicker – that wasn’t even my first rodeo with slot machine glory. It’s like the universe decided to make “winning stuff” my superpower. While other heroes are out there flying or walking through walls, I’m casually collecting raffle prizes and sweepstakes wins like they’re going out of style. Need someone to draw a winning ticket? Want to boost your odds at a giveaway? Just stick me in your pocket like a human rabbit’s foot. I’m basically a walking good luck charm – minus the fuzzy tail and carrot addiction.
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: Yes! My four-legged best friend’s name is Penny – a mini goldendoodle who’s basically a living, breathing teddy bear. This fluffball of energy is a constant source of joy, bouncing around with her golden curls and infectious enthusiasm. At 6 years young, Penny’s a total natural in front of the camera, which is why she has her own Instagram account – not that I’m one of those dog parents or anything.
Besides being my BFF, Penny also doubles as my office mate and Chief Security Officer. She’s always keeping an eye on things, alerting me to any unusual activity outside the house. So, if you ever see a suspicious squirrel or a particularly noisy bird, you can bet Penny already has it on her radar!

Q: What’s your favorite genre of music to work to? How does it influence your work?
A: While everyone else is out here shuffling playlists and chasing the latest releases, I’ve been in a committed, decade-long relationship with a single album: “Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven” by Godspeed You! Black Emperor. It might sound a bit intense, but this post-rock masterpiece has become more than just background music – it’s my unconventional productivity companion.
After countless listens, the album has evolved into a sort of musical timekeeper. I can gauge how long I’ve spent on tasks just by knowing which track is playing. The best part? Being primarily instrumental, it creates the perfect atmosphere for focus without the distraction of lyrics. Some people might call it quirky, but hey, when you find something that works this well, you stick with it!
Q: In your opinion, does pineapple belong on pizza?
A: Let me tell you about the absolute divine intervention that is pineapple on pizza. Listen, I know it’s controversial – like wearing socks with sandals or putting milk in before cereal – but those sweet, tangy chunks of tropical heaven are living their best life nestled among melty cheese and savory ham. It’s that perfect dance of sweet and salty that makes your taste buds do the cha-cha.
But you want to know what makes me clutch my pearls in genuine horror? Chicken on pizza. I mean, who hurt you? Who led you down this dark and twisted path? Chicken belongs in a lot of wonderful places – in a nice curry, between two buns, or frolicking in a Caesar salad. But on pizza? That’s like casting Nicolas Cage in a Jane Austen adaptation – technically possible, but fundamentally wrong on every conceivable level.
I don’t care if it’s BBQ chicken, buffalo chicken, or chicken blessed by Gordon Ramsay himself – it’s a culinary crime that makes Italian grandmothers weep into their marinara. So yes, pile on that pineapple, but for the love of all things holy, keep your poultry where it belongs: anywhere but on my pizza.
Q: Ice cream vs. fro yo – what team are you on?
A: I proudly raise my spoon for Team Fro-Yo all the way! Now don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a good scoop of ice cream as much as the next person. But there’s just something about that refreshing, guilt-free zing of fro-yo that really hits the spot. It’s like having dessert and a snack all in one – the perfect treat for when I want something cool and creamy without all the heaviness.
Plus, let’s be real, the toppings bar at a good fro-yo joint is where the real magic happens. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure sweet experience, and I’m always down to be the captain of that flavor journey.
Q: What question are you dying to answer that we haven’t asked?
A: What’s the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else?
Q: What’s the answer?
A: 42