If you really want to meet the heart and mind behind Heart+Mind — look no further than Dee! As one of our Founding Partners, Dee has been Heart+Mind since the beginning. We know we can look to him as our leader, our North Star, our standard…and we can depend on him as the guy who brings the homemade (full-size) trebuchet to the company picnic!
Q: Describe what you do in five words or less.
A: Understand human hearts and minds.
Q: Why did you become a research consultant?
A: I love listening to people and observing their reaction to different words, messages, and experiences. I love helping clients understand how they can make their products, services, ideas, and policies better meet the personal needs and wants of their audiences.
Q: If you weren’t a research consultant, you’d be a…
A: Beekeeper and Grandpa.
Q: Your dream research project is…
A: A few years ago we did my dream project which I call the DNA of human decision making. We examined the full range of human consumer choices and decisions and identified the underlying values that drive and shape them. Based on what we learned we were able to profile the range of emotions for many of the key decisions we make in our lives!
Q: What about your work most interests you? What makes it your passion?
A: We deal with some of the most sensitive human desires and choices — those that have become so divisive and polarized. Yet when we get into the those issues with real people, we find that we share far more in common than that which divides us. Finding and feeding the things that bring us together is what I really enjoy.

Q: What are the 3 Instagram accounts every research consultant should follow? Why?
A: What’s Instagram?
Q: The quality in others you most admire is…
A: Honesty.
Q: Describe your high school self in 5 words or less.
A: El Presidente. I ran for student body president and that name stuck.
Q: What is your current obsession? Tell us about it.
A: Working in fused glass! I’m working to understand how to combine the light and color of different types of glass materials to create the appearance of reflections on the surface of water. Trying to create fused glass depictions of the Washington Monument from the Tidal Basin. It is really hard.
Q: What question are you dying to answer that we haven’t asked?
A: Do you believe there is a greater purpose to our lives that continues beyond our years on earth?
Q: What’s the answer?
A: Yes!