Meet Darren Bishop, head of Heart+Mind’s Travel and Tourism Practice. Darren has been with Heart+Mind almost since its inception, and has successfully climbed the ladder from entry level to Senior Consultant. Even though he’s been around a while, we felt like we just didn’t have the inside story on what makes him tick. Is there more to Darren than sports and travel? Let’s find out…
Q: Describe what you do in 5 words or less.
A: Inform decisions through compelling insights.
Q: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: Dual role: player/General Manager for the Boston Red Sox.

Q: What drew you to Heart+Mind Strategies?
A: I love the work ethic and “we’re in it together” mentality of small, private companies, but I stayed with Heart+Mind because of the people and relationships.
Q: What is your current obsession?
A: Cryptocurrencies.
Q: The quality in others you most admire is…
A: Ambition, humility, perseverance, and good humor are the ultimate combination.

Q: When did you know you wanted to be a research consultant?
A: The high of delivering an awesome report. Seeing clients gain confidence through your research is rewarding.
Q: What’s your favorite genre of music to work to?
A: Electronic music – nothing like a steady rhythmic beat to stay focused and get stuff done.
Q: Name something on your bucket list.
A: Go on a honeymoon since it was canceled due to COVID.

Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: Make my 10-month old son laugh.
Q: Ice cream vs. fro yo – what team are you on?
A: Consider me a double agent.
Q: What question are you dying to answer that we haven’t asked?
A: What is my favorite restaurant in Las Vegas.
Q: What’s the answer?
A: Craftsteak.